Why Northern Delaware is a Prime Destination for Your Business

Are you ready to start – or expand – your business but are unsure of the ideal location to do it?  Northern Delaware stands out as a wonderful location for businesses looking to thrive. With its strategic location, robust infrastructure, favorable tax climate, a talented workforce, and a wealth of commercial leasing opportunities, Northern Delaware offers an ideal setting for enterprises of all sizes.

Here are several reasons why you might consider locating your business in this bustling region:

Strategic Location and Infrastructure

Northern Delaware is situated in the heart of the Mid-Atlantic region, providing easy access to major cities like Philadelphia, New York City, and Washington, D.C. This prime location offers businesses unparalleled logistical advantages. Wilmington, Delaware is just 30 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and has access to major highways like I-95 and I-495. The Port of Wilmington, one of the busiest ports on the East Coast, provides critical import and export capabilities for businesses engaged in international trade.

Newark also benefits from excellent transportation infrastructure by being a key stop on Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor, ensuring quick rail connections to major metropolitan areas. This connectivity makes Northern Delaware an attractive hub for businesses involved in manufacturing, distribution, and logistics.

Favorable Tax Climate and Business Incentivesentives

Delaware’s business-friendly tax environment is one of its most significant draws. The state has no sales tax, and corporate income taxes are comparatively low. Delaware is known for its Court of Chancery, which specializes in business law, providing a predictable legal environment that many corporations find advantageous. This legal framework is particularly beneficial for businesses, as it offers a high degree of certainty in resolving commercial disputes.

Finally, the Delaware Division of Small Business provides various incentives and programs to support new and existing businesses. Programs such as the Delaware Strategic Fund offer grants and low-interest loans to businesses which create jobs and invest in the state. These incentives make Northern Delaware not only a cost-effective choice but also a supportive one.

Leasing Lang Commercial Spaces

One of the standout features of Northern Delaware is the availability of high-quality commercial leasing opportunities. Lang Development Group offers a variety of commercial spaces that cater to different business needs. From prime office spaces in Wilmington to medical complexes in Bear, and versatile retail spaces in Newark, Lang’s properties are designed to support a wide range of business activities.

Leasing a Lang commercial space provides businesses with access to prime locations, state-of-the-art facilities, and exceptional property management services. These spaces are strategically located to maximize visibility and accessibility, ensuring that your business can attract and serve customers effectively.

Economic Data and Growth

Northern Delaware boasts a robust and diverse economy. Wilmington’s unemployment rate is below the national average, reflecting a healthy job market. The region is home to a mix of industries, including finance, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. Wilmington, often referred to as the “Corporate Capital of the World,” hosts more than half of all publicly traded U.S. companies and nearly two-thirds of the Fortune 500 companies.

According to the Delaware Department of Labor, New Castle County’s median household income is approximately $74,000, which is higher than the national average. This indicates a relatively affluent population with disposable income which benefits businesses that rely on local consumer spending.

Northern Delaware presents a compelling case for businesses seeking a strategic, supportive, and vibrant location. With its favorable tax climate, robust infrastructure, skilled workforce, high quality of life, and exceptional commercial leasing opportunities, the region is well-equipped to support business growth and success. Whether you’re a startup looking to establish a foothold or an established company aiming to expand, Northern Delaware offers the resources and environment you need to thrive.

Investing in Northern Delaware is not just a smart business decision; it’s a strategic move towards sustained growth and prosperity.

lmk 2024

5 Things to Remember When Looking for Student Housing Options

student housing options

Going away to college is a big deal in many young people’s lives. In addition to worrying about classes and making new friends, they have to make sure they have the right accommodations. However, on-campus housing isn’t always available. According to FinancesOnline, only roughly 22% of incoming undergraduates at America’s 175 largest universities have access to accommodations on campus. Here are five things to remember when considering student housing options.

1. Price

The cost of housing can be high anywhere, whether you’re a working adult or a college student. Before signing any residential contracts, check that the rent can fit into your monthly and semester budget. You don’t want to have to choose between paying your rent and eating for the month.

2 Safety

Safety is a must regardless of where you live. Do your due diligence and check out crime stats in the area where you’re looking for accommodations. It’s even better if you can find student housing options with staffed security and well-lit parking.

3. Proximity to Campus

When looking for student housing options, proximity to campus can affect many things in your schedule. For example, how many classes do you have each week? If you have classes four or five days a week, an apartment closer to campus is more convenient. However, living further away may not be so bad if you only have to be on campus for a few days or have some online classes. Then there’s the matter of your transportation options. Driving versus walking matters in how far away you should look for potential apartments.

4. Roomates

College is a time when many students have roommates, whether they live on or off campus. However, if you choose to live off campus, it’s your choice who you want to live with. When considering roommates, make sure you interview each other for compatibility in terms of lifestyle and personal interests.

5. Contract Options

Be careful in signing any rental contracts. If you find an apartment that focuses on renting to students, it may be easier to have a flexible or short-term contract. However, a regular building that doesn’t cater to students often has a more set lease that will lock you in for a longer period.

During college, you have many housing options to consider. Whether you stay on campus with a roommate or live off campus solo, think about what works best for you regarding proximity, funding, and contract options. Still curious about student housing? Contact a Lang Development Group today for more information about our properties.

5 Ways to Find the Perfect Apartment


Searching for a new apartment can be hard. You have a big decision to make, and finding the right apartment is even more important if you have to sign a long-term lease. According to Craig Van Lines, about 33% of renters move each year. Here are five tips for finding the best apartment as a renter.

1. Do Your Research

Start by doing your research on some of the apartments in your area. There are tons of rental listing websites and resources that can help you find a place to rent. Ideally, you want to start with a list of several apartments you might want to move to.

2. Visit Apartments in Person

Before you rent an apartment, make sure you check it out in person. Pictures can show you the general layout of an apartment, but they can’t show you the same level of detail that you can see in person.

3. Call Property Management Companies

Look up property management companies in your area and call them or check out some of their current listings. A lot of apartments are managed by property management companies, so you can find whole lists of available rentals from each company.

4. Ask Friends and Coworkers

Do you have a friend or coworker who’s happy with their apartment? Maybe you’ve been to a friend’s apartment that you really liked. Moving into an apartment you’re familiar with is always a good idea, and you can count on your friends and coworkers to give you the honest truth about their apartments.

5. Look at Reviews

If you’re still having trouble narrowing down your list of apartments, check out some reviews. Not every renter leaves a review, but checking online feedback is a good way to figure out if there are any common problems tenants have with a property management company or apartment. If the apartment you’re considering gets good reviews, you probably don’t have to worry about problems like nosy landlords or loud neighbors.

Moving to a new apartment is a big decision, especially when you consider the deposit and lease terms. It’s important to do your research and visit apartments in person to make sure you’re moving to a good place. If you’re looking for a new apartment, contact Lang Development Group today to learn more about our available properties.

3 Benefits of Renting an Apartment

renting an apartment

Apartment living is becoming more and more popular with Americans. According to Trend Statistics, it is estimated that someone rents a new apartment every 80 seconds, and every 30 seconds, a new renter moves into an apartment. If you have been thinking about renting an apartment, but are on the fence as to whether it is right for you, learning the benefits may help you make a decision. Here are three benefits associated with renting and living in an apartment.

1. You Don’t Have to Worry About Maintaining the Property

One of the biggest benefits associated with renting an apartment is that you do not have to worry about maintaining the property. If you own a home, you are in charge of maintaining the property and are responsible for repair costs. And if you rent a home, you may still be responsible for taking care of the lawn or the grounds. When you rent an apartment, you minimize your responsibilities, and you do not have to worry about upkeep, maintenance, repairs, or landscaping.

2. Apartment Complexes Tend to Have Many Amenities

Another benefit associated with apartment complexes is the amenities they offer. More and more apartment complexes are offering resort-style living and resort-style amenities. This may include a pool, spa, workout room or gym, clubhouse, and even package delivery services. Many apartment complexes are also gated, offering you more security than a home would offer.

3. Apartments Have Lower Utility Costs Compared to Homes

The final benefit associated with apartment rentals is that apartments tend to have lower overall costs compared to buying a home. When you buy a home, you have to save and put down a down payment, pay property taxes, and pay for home insurance. Additionally, you have many utilities, including water, sewer, and garbage. When you live in an apartment, you are typically only responsible for electricity, gas, cable, and internet. This results in lower living expenses and costs.

There are many benefits associated with renting an apartment compared to purchasing a home or even renting a home. If you are looking for a new place to live, an apartment may be ideal for you, especially if you are looking for minimal maintenance responsibilities and a multitude of benefits. Contact Land Development Group to learn more about the specific amenities our complex offers and to take a tour of our apartment grounds.

3 Questions to Ask Before Signing a Lease With a Pet

pet friendly student

More and more people are getting pets. According to Spots.com, there has been a 20% increase in pet ownership since 1988. That means a lot of students are going to be looking for places that allow animals. It’s easy to assume you’re all set when a listing says that a property is pet friendly. You shouldn’t sign anything without asking specific questions, though. Otherwise, you risk having to pay an extra charge if you inadvertently break any rules. Here are three questions that you should ask before you sign any lease.

What Are the Pet Restrictions?

You may think you’re moving into pet-friendly student housing. However, that might not be the case if you don’t adhere to their restrictions. It may depend on the size of your pet – if you have a large dog, for example, that might wind up costing you extra, or you might not be allowed to move in at all, as some properties have restrictions prohibiting tenants from owning specific dog breeds. Additionally, if you have a large fish tank, it’s important to check that the property allows that.

What Will I Have to Pay to Have My Pet Live on the Premises?

When it comes to pet-friendly student housing, some apartments have stricter requirements than others. Many properties will require you to pay additional pet rent if you want to have an animal live with you. Look into this early so that you can plan accordingly. It’s also important to consider additional fees you may need to pay upon moving out. You don’t want to have any pet-related damage or mess. Make sure all the hair is vacuumed up and any holes fixed. Otherwise, you might get a bill.

Will This Space Fit My Pet?

Although a property may offer pet-friendly student housing, you might find it too cramped for pets that are a certain size. This can be especially problematic if your pet is unable to spend time outside. Be sure to consider the size of an apartment before you move in. Otherwise, you risk having a miserable pet.

These are just a few questions that you should ask before signing a lease with a pet. Be diligent with your research and you can find a place that works for you and your animal companion. If you’re looking for a pet-friendly apartment, contact Lang Development today to inquire about our available properties.