If You’re Moving With a Pet, Follow This Guide

housing options

Millions of people move each year. One of the common reasons for this is that their housing options no longer work for them. They may want something smaller or larger. According to Spots.com, approximately 67% of American households include a pet or approximately 85 million homes. If you own a pet, and you’re planning on moving, the move can be a bit more complicated with your furry friend. Fortunately, this guide can make it a little easier.

Research Pet Laws in the Area You Are Moving To

Prior to moving, take the time to research pet laws in the area you’re planning on living in. You may have to register your animal or you may need to update their vaccinations. Researching the laws for the area gives you time to handle the requirements.

Talk to Your Vet About Anxiety Medications or Sedatives

If you’re planning on moving a long distance, it may be a lot for your pet to handle. Some animals do well on long car rides or flights, while others don’t. If you know your pet does not, or you’re unsure, be sure to talk to your vet to discuss anxiety medications or sedatives. Don’t wait until the last minute, as your vet may be unable to fit you in.

Never Open Car Doors or Windows Before Your Pet Is on a Leash

Before you let your furry friend out of the car to stretch their legs, go to the bathroom or go into their new home, always ensure they are on a leash or in their carrier before you open the door or windows. Your pet may be scared or fearful of their new location, and this can cause them to bolt.

Give Your Pet Time to Settle In and Be Patient

Lastly, be patient with your pet and give them time to settle into your new home. You have looked into housing options and chosen a home. However, your pet has not seen it. Some animals may explore while others may hide. Let your fur baby decide what is right for them and give them the space and time to feel out their new setting.

If your current home doesn’t work for you, or you are moving to a new city or state, there are many housing options available to you and your pet. If you’re looking for rental apartments or homes, we may have the perfect place for you to call home. Reach out to us today at Lang Development Group to tour some of our available properties.