The Best Off Campus Housing For Students

Transitioning to college life can be a difficult and tumultuous task. In many cases, it’s the very first time where you will be living away from home and away from your family. However, it is also an opportunity to grow in ways you never thought possible and to learn valuable life skills along the way

As a student, it can be difficult to adjust to the college dorm life. Luckily, there is a viable alternative — off campus apartments for students. Off campus housing options give students the flexibility to choose where to live and who to live with. Furthermore, it is much less expensive and more accommodating than a dorm.

The benefits of off campus housing are being taken into consideration by many young people attending college. In fact, 65% of people below the age of 35 choose to rent, so you’ll be in good company. There are plenty of opportunities for college students to rent their housing, as there are various real estate for students available.

Residential Housing

Some of the best off campus housing options are residential units in larger homes. Many homeowners who reside in college towns will rent their properties to college students for a reasonable price. Many of these rentals are pet friendly, allowing for a furry friend to keep you company throughout your studies.

Tenant units within existing homes are regarded as one of the best options just for the sheer amount of space available to you. You will have the ability to have your own bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and all the other amenities you’re used to back home.

Because residential houses provide students with ample space, the rental becomes even more affordable. Multiple people could rent the home at once, allowing them to split the rent between them. This is very practical; even though multiple people are staying in the home, everyone has the ability to have their own private space.

Apartment Rentals

If renting a full-sized home doesn’t appeal to you, other housing options for students include apartments near school. Although smaller than homes, they offer all the amenities offered in a conventional house. However, they may be more strict about bringing pets along. Nevertheless, there are many pet friendly apartments for students.

Apartments are oftentimes less expensive than renting a home, but it may depend on location and other factors. Similar to the residential house, the addition of a few roommates will lessen the individual cost significantly.

Off Campus Apartments For Students Are Superior To Dorms

Off campus housing will prove to be superior to dorms in many instances. Off campus apartments for students allow college students to avoid all the unnecessary costs and additional fees charged by the school (especially the meal plan, which is exponentially expensive).

Furthermore, off campus housing allows students to have a sense of responsibility, as they have to cook, clean, and be responsible for a variety of other instances that come with being a tenant. Living off campus also allows students to create their own rules and be more independent than if they were living in a dorm room adminstated by the school.

Clearly, off campus apartments are often the way to go. To learn more about available openings for off campus apartment rentals, please contact our team today.