4 Tips For Renting Student Apartments With Pets

pet friendly student apartments

One of the best ways to establish your independence and individuality in college is to move into off campus housing. Not only does off campus housing give you more freedom but it also gives you the chance to optimize your college-living experience with a furry friend.

But before you visit your local animal shelter, it’s a good idea to consider first the significant responsibilities that come with owning a pet while you’re a college student. Not only is it challenging to find pet friendly student apartments but you’ll also need to make sure your pet is well-taken care of.

That being said, here are five tips to consider before getting a pet in your own student apartment.

  1. Don’t get blind-sided by pet fees. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the victory of finding a pet friendly student apartment. But it’s important to note that while some student apartments allow pets, renters might need to pay additional fees to keep an animal in their apartment. Some apartments only require you to pay an additional one-time fee at the time of your security deposit. Others may require you to make additional monthly payments for your pets.
  2. Keep your pet’s medical history on hand. Many apartment communities require pet owners to submit official documentation of their pet’s vaccination certifications and medical history. If your pet hasn’t yet been vaccinated, now is a great time to find a new vet nearby your new student housing.
  3. Create a bathroom routine. If the pet you’re getting is a dog, it’s a good idea to establish a bathroom routine for them. This will help to avoid accidents in the apartment that could leave stains in the property.
  4. Dedicate quality time to your pet. It’s easy to get busy in college because of classes, extracurriculars, and spending time with friends. But remember that your pet relies on you not only for their needs but also for entertainment. Be sure to provide your pet with quality time every day not only taking them for walks but also giving them plenty of time to play.

Looking for pet friendly student apartments?

If you’re looking for student apartments off campus, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a New York Times article, up to 87% of students live off campus. But it can be tricky to find pet friendly student apartments.

Fortunately, Lang Development Group offers University of Delaware off campus housing that’s also pet friendly. For more information about our pet friendly apartments for students, contact Lang Development Group today.