The In’s and Out’s of Student Rentals

student rentals

Off-campus student rentals are very popular. In 2016 it was reported that 87% of students did not live on campus they opted for off campus housing options. Why are students choosing to live off-campus in student rentals instead of on campus?

There are different reasons students choose off-campus apartments instead of living on campus. Off-campus housing may be the ideal option for you. Learning more about student rentals and the benefits it has to offer can help you make the right choices for your living arrangements.

Why Do Students Prefer Off-Campus Housing?

Student rentals are popular for a wide range of reasons. Here are some of the top benefits that students cite for why they recommend it:

  • You get more bang for your buck! Dorm living is not quite as affordable as one would think. It can be expensive. It can cost less to live off-campus and you get far more space.
  • Enjoying some private time. It can be nearly impossible to be alone in the dorms. Showering and eating are often communal activities. It can be stressful always having to be around other people.
  • Less rules to contend with. Dorm life is full of rules. Off-campus apartments have some rules but largely what you do in your apartment is your business.
  • Freedom to cook what you want. You will not have to live on-campus food and take out if you have your own apartment. You can keep food in your refrigerator and cook what you want when you want.
  • Many off-campus student rentals will allow pets! That is a big one for a lot of people that are pet owners and cannot bear to live apart from their pets.
  • Really adulting. Moving from home to on-campus housing is not taking on the responsibilities of being an adult. Moving from home into your apartment now that is adulting!
  • Amenities are also a big draw for students that are considering student rentals off campus.

Off-campus housing University of Delaware can provide you with a litany of benefits that can be hard if not impossible to find in on-campus housing situations. For many students, there is simply no better way to live than to secure a student rental off-campus.

Follow This One Tip To Find Great Housing

There is one thing to keep in mind when you are making your decision. Student rentals are very popular so you do want to get your application in quick. They are such hot commodities they get rented out fast!