Approximately 33% of renters move every year; this behavior is especially common among college students, most of whom live in off campus apartments. When you’re constantly packing up and relocating, turning that simple student rental unit into a home can be quite difficult. Whether you’re moving into student housing or a brand-spankin’ new apartment across the city, you’re going to want to make that space your own; here are a few tips to get you started.
- Pictures, pictures, and more pictures: Home is defined by personalization. The best way you can bring some life to your home is to bring your life into your home; hang or post as many pictures as you want of your family, friends, or pets to make you feel comforted on those lonely days. In fact, it’s a good idea to fill up your walls entirely with things that you love. From posters to tapestries, the place will begin to feel warmer and more inviting almost immediately.
- Create a cozy spot: College students spend a great amount of time studying. Rather than sequestering yourself away in a dark corner of your campus library, or sitting at your uncomfortable kitchen table, you can create a cozy nook specifically dedicated to academics; whether you decide to pick up your textbook or your favorite novel, you’ll find yourself feeling more at home by the minute.
- Add plants: Indoor plants have been proven to improve mood. Not only do they provide an inexpensive way to decorate your space, but they can act as companions for those moments when you just need to think out loud. Find the varieties that are hard to kill (such as succulents) and you’ll be feeling calm in no time.
- Accessorize your bed: For most people (college students especially), their bed is their favorite place. Since home is almost entirely about comfort — as your cozy spot has proven — your bed should be extra comfy! Invest in a new duvet or comforter, some fluffy throw pillows, and maybe even a few stuffed animals. Add a small bedside table for books or before-bed snacks, and you’ve got a perfect place to snuggle up.
Once you really get into the decorating swing of things, you’ll find that your new apartment — no matter how temporary it is — feels like home. With just a few personal touches, the transformation can be profound. Before long, you’ll find yourself truly relaxing in a space all your own.