What To Expect When You’re Living Off Campus

living off campusLiving off campus for the first time is often one of your first tastes of freedom as an adult. While living in the dorms was an experience, this is the type of college housing you’ve dreamed of.

If you’re living off campus for the first time, here are some of the things you should expect.

Roommates can be a challenge

Living on campus means that your bathrooms were cleaned, you shared a tight space with someone else, and you didn’t need to worry about your roommate’s laundry. When you live with one or three other people, as most off campus student housing options provide, you’re going to experience highs and lows alike.

Expect to argue over who does the dishes. You’re going to bicker over parking. No, you can’t have a party on a Wednesday night. Pitfalls will happen but living with some of your best friends is an amazing experience. You no longer live under the thumb of an RA and you can stay up and chat late into the night. Real estate for students allows you to pick the place of your dreams with some of your best friends. Revel in it while you can.

It’s usually cheaper, but it’s likely out of pocket

Dorms are expensive to live in since they come equipped with a meal plan, cleaning services, and student parking. Even though living off campus will likely save you money in the long run, you’re also not able to bill your off campus apartments to your student loans.

You’re also going to have to buy your own food, cleaning supplies, and groceries. It doesn’t seem like much, but these weekly expenses can add up quickly. Budget accordingly if you’re going to live off campus and take responsibility for yourself should something go wrong.

Hello, independence

The independence associated with living in off campus student apartments is amazing. You have the freedom to decorate as you like, parking is often included, and you no longer need to worry about pesky RAs.

Unfortunately, this independence can go to your head. Because there aren’t monthly check-ins before major holidays, your apartment’s existence is in your hands. Keep in mind you might lose your security deposit if it’s left in bad condition when you leave. On top of that, you’re in charge of yourself: you need to get to class on time, maintain relationships, and still go to school even if you are a little more detached.

Living off campus is a great experience every college student should have. When you want to move into real estate for students, keep these perks and pitfalls in mind. But if you didn’t make the college cut, you can always rent after graduation. More U.S. households are rented now more than ever since 1965, making it a popular option for just about everyone, college student and working-class adult alike.